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Cotton Bacon Prime
$6.99 CAD
Cotton Bacon Prime
PRIME is Wick'n'Vapes newest cotton wicking material and was developed specifically with RTAs, RDTAs, and squonking in mind. PRIME uses a different strain of cotton that has naturally thicker fibers. These thicker fibers they claim allow the cotton to absorb...
$6.99 CAD
Resistance Wire 30ft
from $4.99 CAD
Resistance Wire 30ft
Kanthal and Stainless Steel wire for use in rebuildable atomizers, these come in 30 feet length. They are available in gauges ranging from 24 to 28. K1 - Kanthal SS - Stainless Steel If you want specialty wires (Clapton/Twisted Etc)...
from $4.99 CAD
Specialty Wire 10ft
$9.99 CAD
Specialty Wire 10ft
All wire comes in 10 Foot Lengths
$9.99 CAD
VandyVape Wire & Mesh
$4.99 CAD
VandyVape Wire & Mesh
Wire and Kanthal A1 Mesh for rebuildable use.  
$4.99 CAD

Choosing the correct resistance wire or wicking material for your build is an important decision. We've done our homework so you don't have to. We stand behind the rebuilding brands we've hand chosen for you and use them ourselves.

We have a selection of Kanthal, Stainless Steel, or Specialty wrapped wire so you can find the perfect tools for the perfect build. 

These accessories are for Rebuildable atomizers, and it should be aware that this avenue while cheaper should only be for those looking for a new hobby or challenge.

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